
Best Alternative Career to Digital Marketing

When it comes to careers in the Digital field, there is no word that’s thrown around more than “Digital Marketing”. It is the go-to for many who want to pursue a lucrative career in Digital. No doubt it is lucrative and exciting, but it can be quite limiting. So, is there an alternative career to…

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Best Alternative to a Data Science Course

Best Alternative to a Data Science Course

  In the October 2012 issue of Harvard Business Review, Data Scientist was named “The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century.” Sexy or not, Data Science is definitely an interesting career choice. And it probably ranks high on your list of jobs you want to pursue. But, is it really something that will interest you…

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best alternate to web development course

Best Alternative to a Web Development Course

As someone who was born and raised in the digital age, you have an excellent idea of the potential of digital media. It is the foundation for a number of technological developments and jobs. There are endless opportunities for people to explore and transition from one field to another. One of the more popular of…

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Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Industry

Digital transformation is fast-becoming a necessity in the Indian healthcare industry. Despite rapid growth in the economy, the country still lags behind when it comes to healthcare. Lack of doctors, proper infrastructure, inadequate data security, and other issues still plague this multi-billion-dollar industry. So, how exactly will digital transformation solve India’s healthcare crises? The Healthcare…

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8 Common Digital Transformation Challenges Faced By Businesses

8 Common Digital Transformation Challenges Faced By Businesses

If you haven’t heard, the world you live in is swiftly becoming digital. Digital transformation is taking over industries across the globe and gearing them towards success. The keyword here being “digital transformation.” Now, not all companies were born after the dawn of the digital age. In fact, many were started even before the internet…

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