Remember a time when social media was not so integral to our lives?
Today we use social media to stay connected with our friends and family, to share our thoughts, opinions and consume content. Brands use it to make sure they build a close-knit community and introduce new products online, to offer new information and build a strong brand image. With many social media applications out there, it can sure get overwhelming to know which ones are more apt for you and your needs.
Niche social media applications are a great addition to our lives as they help to provide us with a more targeted and specialized experience when compared to mainstream social media platforms. Catering to specific interests, hobbies, professions – these apps are creating a community of like-minded individuals who can share ideas, knowledge, and experience. They are just the right platform that are offering a more intimate and authentic connection between the users, not to forget a safe and supportive environment where people can freely express their opinions and connect with people with similar values and passions.
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Their surge is a pure reflection of how they foster a sense of belonging and promote a mental well-being. In addition to offering more valuable, relevant, and tailored content to specific needs.
As the market becomes more saturated, the niche applications have emerged as a strong place to cater to unique and specific communities and interests. Here are a few applications that have a strong niche audience:
Seeking that front page of the digital space – Reddit is that!
It is a platform for sharing news, content and offers open discussion on any topic you can possibly think of. The platform has close to 55.79 million daily users and the application is home to lakhs of active communities with open discussions. These communities are also coined as subreddits that cover topics that range from technology, politics, memes, funny videos and more and have a very passionate user base who are seeking to increase their knowledge about their interest. It makes this application an excellent place to learn, engage and build new niche topics.
This is an audio-only social media application.
Clubhouse is known as an invitation-only social media app that allows its users to join audio-only chat rooms. This platform has gained a huge popularity and has close to 10 million weekly active users. A platform like Clubhouse is highly popular amongst the entrepreneurs, creatives and tech enthusiasts and it offers the users live discussion and debates on a variety of topics. This makes it an excellent place to learn, engage and immerse in conversation with experts in different niche fields.
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Spotify Live
A live audio streaming platform for musicians and artists
Earlier known as Spotify Greenroom, Spotify live is a rather new feature that allows musicians and artists to stream live audio performance to their followers and fans. The app allows the user to host / participate in a live audio virtual environment that is called the room for conversation and has a current capacity of 1000 people (limit). A great space for independent musicians to connect with their fans in a more intimate setting and to monetize their streams by offering tickets/ merchandise sales.
A global knowledge sharing platform.
Quora is possibly the most widely known name and is essentially a question-and-answer platform that allows users to ask questions, seek answers and answer to questions on any topic they know of. With 300 million users and topics that range from technology, science, pop culture to relationships – everything is discussed on this platform. Quora’s users are also a wide range of experts like IT professionals, doctors and teachers who are offering knowledge on related topics and are passionate about their interests.
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A friendly, authentic, and transparent social media application
BeReal is a rather new social media application that is placing priority on authenticity and transparency. The platform engages its users to share real-life experience to connect with others at a personal level. The application has a timer alert that updates you to share your live situation by taking a photo on the application with your friend list, you can only see your friend’s live situation if you share yours. The app offers you a short time limit to keep the experiences sharing on time, relevant and authentic. It is gaining a large popularity among niche communities like for mental health advocates and social activities – for its pushes authentic content without filters.
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Twitch, Nextdoor, Goodreads amongst others are a few more names of some famous niche social media applications that have a unique audience and brands must make the best use of the niche side of social media to gain their target audience.
These applications are no longer just for exploring or engaging, but also to learn and connect. These social applications are connecting people with others who share the same interest and learn from experts in their field. Seeking to connect with like-minded individuals, check these applications out and start engaging where your interest best fits.
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