A growing and increasingly adopted concept across organizations, cybersecurity is a way of safeguarding our networks and devices from external attacks. The need for cyber security specialists is on a bullish trend and is only looking more hopeful. Companies are hiring experts and cyber security companies to secure their secret and highly confidential trade information and boost their customers’ confidence that the products and services offered are secure and safe.
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Here are some of the leading trends for 2023 in cyber security:
IoT and 5G safety research and solutions
In the face of new technology era with Internet of Things and 5G network, we now have communication between and across several devices which exposes them to unsafe and unsecure digital threats.
With both being new concepts in the world, especially with 5G architecture being a relatively new technology in the market, there is a dire need of extensive study required to be conducted to identify security-based flaws, understand how they are implemented – if on purpose and work on solutions to safeguards the interests of the users and providers.
With various levels of usage for 5G, each level will require a detailed level of research and understanding of the possible network attacks to further develop solutions that help to avoid data breaches and digital assaults.
Safeguarding these networks is one of the strongest trends for 2023 in cybersecurity market.
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Role of AI
The use of AI is unquestionable in our world today. With an unprecedented increase in cyberattacks, it has become impossible for humans alone to be able to predict and work on solutions for where all possible attacks will come from or take place. This is where AI is the powerhouse of cybersecurity safety protocols.
AI and ML collectively work to analyse real time data across networks to bring out trends and patterns that indicate a threat.
Leading companies like IBM are known to use AI to detect cyber threats like data breaches and help them in saving close to $3 million when compared to those who did not use AI safeguards against threats. As per a published article by CNBC in September 2022, the AI cybersecurity products will be worth $139 billion (close to) by 2030 – which is a tenfold increase from its value in 2021.
Rising automotive hacking
In this day and age, our modern automobiles are fully equipped with state-of-the-art automated software’s that offer smooth connectivity for users to manage door locks, windows, child lock system, advanced driver aid, cruise and engine control and more. These systems are linked to the internet via Bluetooth and wi-fi which open them up and expose them to a lack of safe and secure network increasing the chances of hacking.
Microphones are used for eavesdropping and controlling the car at times – which is all expected to rise in 2023 as more driverless vehicles are tested for hitting the road. These automated cars with self-driving tend to be dependent on a more complex process that requires firm cybersecurity safeguards.
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Fostering a security-aware generation and culture
Considered to be one of the largest growing trends in cybersecurity, imparting knowledge by the organizations to their employee’s regarding cybersecurity has been vital. It builds a culture of awareness amongst its employees on cybersecurity issues. The more aware the employees are of the possible threats, the sooner they can inform the respective teams and help their companies save time, efforts, and capital.
This step will help to foster a culture in organizations where security is a top priority and employees are made to feel more inclusive in the brand culture and their approach towards threats. Step by step on how to take basic precautions is becoming a strong key to building a resilient and agile work force to tackle cybersecurity issues. One where a generation of employees will learn to be more prepared for possible cyber threats.
Specific targeted ransomware
When we speak of targeted ransomware – it is a critical threat in cybersecurity. We are working in the era where many specialized software’s are run in specific industries for daily operations. Ransomware are targeting these specific targets to gain access over the sector, brand, industry while making them non-operational till the ransom is fully paid.
For example, the Wanna Cry ransomware assault on NHS hospitals in England and Scotland is known to have infected 70,000 equipment.
The target is threatened with the release of specific, confidential, and personal data of the victim that can have a huge political, economic, or financial impact on organizations, associations and overall well-being of countries.
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Cyber Insurance
A growing aspect of cybersecurity is cyber insurance which is a unique product that services businesses against the possibly crippling effects of cybercrimes of ransomware, malware, DDoS attacks and others which are aimed to compromise a network and its sensitive data. Cyber risk insurance are personalized products that are built to help a company mitigate risks.
As the organizations are increasingly embracing the new digital era, they are also investing in cyber insurance as a growing trend – understanding the risks involved. Smaller to medium sized brands are predicted to slowly move towards investing in cyber insurance in 2023 and in the coming years as we turn to metaverse to define the new digital e-commerce era.
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