COVID-19 Preparedness

We Remain Unstoppable in the Face of COVID-19

In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, HETIC has decided to continue its operations remotely, which include training and support.   It is a difficult time for everyone but education must not, and will not stop. Galileo Global Education is well-organized to face this pandemic and has been managing the situation on its campuses all across…

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Hetic India

HETIC Kicks-off the New Year with a Sumptuous Lunch

It’s boring if all your college has to offer is books, studies, exams, and discipline. No one wants to study in a place where you have to fear your teachers and worry about the curriculum all the time. HETIC has flipped the switch! At HETIC, we believe that students need to be treated as professionals…

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the annual challenge 3d real time web development

The Annual Challenge 3D Real Time & Web Development

Overview: Conceptualization of a user experience enriched by real-time 3D the challenge of an intensive week for the Bachelor 3D Real Time and Web Development. Understand constraints to better circumvent them and invent! 3D Real Time is an instantly calculated rendering method that allows high-quality interactivity. 3D Real Time is popular not only in the…

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Classroom Activity at Hetic Business Communication

Classroom Activity at Hetic: Business Communication

The Business Communication course is designed for students to develop their ability to communicate effectively in English, both spoken and written, which is essential in today’s competitive global marketplace. The course introduces phonetics and techniques for speech improvement and accent neutralization, focuses on grammar and vocabulary specific to various business domains and also familiarizes the…

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Meet HETIC graduates!

Have questions about HETIC? Meet HETIC students live through video and ask every question you have about the school, their career, students life, the India campus, etc. HETIC’s Dean will also be there to answer questions about HETIC in India.

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